Contact information
Street photography in Moscow can be a dream, but let’s be honest — it can also be a nightmare.
Fortunately not like the nightmare you had where the Yeti was chasing you through a shopping plaza in the middle of the night and you weren’t wearing any clothes… but a nightmare still.
USMOSCOW.RU takes the nightmare of trying to find cool locations, amazing shots, and interesting focal points and helps you learn how to make the most of all that Moscow has to offer.
Through our thousands of hours of on the street discovery, we’ve found some of the most exciting, unique and innovative photography spots in all of Russia.
No more grabbing your camera and hoping you’ll spot something cool. The chances of spotting a Yeti are better than just happening upon that perfect shot.
Our Masterclass will help you make the most of your photography skills. Whether you’re a seasoned, professional photographer or just starting out as a hobby.
Asking the question, «How can I be a better photographer?» USMOSCOW.RU is your answer.
Sure, finding the perfect locations, subjects and perspective is the start, but, much like that weird dream, you had where you were running away from a made-up monster without pants on… there’s a lot more to uncover.
● Choosing the perfect equipment
● Understanding lighting
● Framing the ideal shot
● Working with manual settings
…and so much more.
Let us help you turn the nightmare into a dream today.
Not only is it not scary…it will be fun!

Связь: +7−926−073−74−97