

Потрясающие, стильные фотографии. Тонко подмеченные моменты из жизни священника. Чёрно-белые снимки дают возможность сконцентрироваться на самом моменте, не отвлекаясь на цвет.

Feedback. Unposed Society Moscow | Фотограф Аникин Станислав



If photography as an art is what you see and do before you actually take the shot, then this experience is the proof of it. We navigated through parts of Moscow that told stories or felt magic, or both, and I felt I was accompanied through these spots and never pushed to take a particular shot. All in all, I would say that Stanislav is not just an experienced photographer but also a thoughtful guide, who inquired about my taste and preferences, considered the weather (bad, in our case :) and customized the tour to these. As a bonus, I got finally over my fear of approaching people in the street to take photos of them and learned new techniques.


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